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Romani people - Wikipedia. Romani people. Total population. The Romani originated in Northern India and arrived in Mid- West Asia, and Europe soon thereafter, around 1,0.

Gypsy Thieves

There are an estimated one million Roma in the United States. Brazil also includes some Romani descended from people deported by the government of Portugal during the Inquisition in the colonial era. The conference ended with a recommendation to the Government of India to recognize the Roma community spread across 3. Indian diaspora. The total number of Romani people is at least twice as large (several times as large according to high estimates). Many Romani are native speakers of the language current in their country of residence, or of mixed languages combining the two; those varieties are sometimes called Para- Romani. In particular, it denotes the river Indus and the country around it (commonly called Sindh). The feminine of Rom in the Romani language is Romni.

However, in most cases, in other languages Rom is now used for people of all genders. Some Romanies use Rom or Roma as an ethnic name, while others (such as the Sinti, or the Romanichal) do not use this term as a self- ascription for the entire ethnic group. Sometimes, rom and romani are spelled with a double r, i. In this case rr is used to represent the phoneme /.

Gypsy Thieves

The rr spelling is common in certain institutions (such as the INALCO Institute in Paris), or used in certain countries, e. Romania, to distinguish from the endonym/homonym for Romanians (sg. Both Rom and Romani have been in use in English since the 1. Gypsy. Romani was initially spelled Rommany, then Romany, while today the Romani spelling is the most popular spelling. Occasionally, the double r spelling (e. Rroma, Rromani) mentioned above is also encountered in English texts.

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The term Roma is increasingly encountered during recent decades. Today, the term Romani is used by some organizations – including the United Nations and the US Library of Congress. However, the Council of Europe and other organizations consider that Roma is the correct term referring to all related groups, regardless of their country of origin, and recommend that Romani be restricted to the language and culture: Romani language, Romani culture. The Spanish term Gitano and French Gitan have similar etymologies.

They are ultimately derived from the Greek. This designation owes its existence to the belief, common in the Middle Ages, that the Romani, or some related group (such as the middle eastern Dom people), were itinerant Egyptians. The word Gypsy in English has become so pervasive that many Romani organizations use it in their own organizational names. This exonym is sometimes written with capital letter, to show that it designates an ethnic group.

Tsinganoi, Zigar, Zigeuner), which probably derives from Athinganoi, the name of a Christian sect with whom the Romani (or some related group) became associated in the Middle Ages. There are an estimated four million Romani people in Europe (as of 2.

Several million more Romanies may live out of Europe, in particular in the Middle East and in the Americas. Sometimes a subgroup uses more than one endonym, is commonly known by an exonym and/or erroneously by the endonym of another subgroup.

The only name approaching an all- encompassing self- description is Rom. Even when subgroups don't use the name, they all acknowledge a common origin and a dichotomy between themselves and Gadjo (non- Roma). For instance, while the main group of Roma in German- speaking countries refer to themselves as Sinti, their name for their original language is Romanes. Subgroups have been described as, in part, a result of the Hindu caste system, which the founding population of Rom almost certainly experienced in their South Asian urheimat.

Camping gypsies near D. Welsh Romanies near Swansea, 1. Many groups use names apparently derived from the Romani word kalo or calo, meaning .

Likewise the name of the Dom or Domba people of North India – to whom the Roma have genetic. Luri, mainly in the Middle East. Lyuli, in Central Asian countries. Rom in Italy. Roma in Romania, commonly known by majority ethnic Romanians as .

From the Balkans, they migrated throughout Europe and, in the nineteenth and later centuries, to the Americas. The Romani population in the United States is estimated at more than one million. The total number of Romani living outside Europe are primarily in the Middle East and North Africa and in the Americas, and are estimated in total at more than two million. Some countries do not collect data by ethnicity. The Romani people identify as distinct ethnicities based in part on territorial, cultural and dialectal differences, and self- designation. When the luris arrived, Bahr.

But the luris ate the oxen and the wheat and came back a year later with their cheeks hollowed with hunger. The king, angered with their having wasted what he had given them, ordered them to pack up their bags and go wandering around the world. It shares many phonetic features with Marwari, while its grammar is closest to Bengali. This has prompted much discussion about the relationships between these two languages. Domari was once thought a . The Dom and the Rom therefore likely descend from two different migration waves out of India, separated by several centuries.

However, it also preserves a number of dental clusters. In regards to verb morphology, Romani follows the exact same pattern of northwestern languages such as Kashmiri and Shina through the adoption of oblique enclitic pronouns as person markers, lending credence to the theory of their Central Indian origin and a subsequent migration to northwestern India. Though the retention of dental clusters suggests a break from central languages during the transition from Old to Middle Indo- Aryan, the overall morphology suggests that the language participated in some of the significant developments leading toward the emergence of New Indo- Aryan languages. The team found that, despite some isolation, the Roma were .

The Romani have been described as . Unlike ethnic Hungarians, among Hungarian and Slovakian Romani subpopulations, Haplogroup E- M7. I1 usually occur above 1.

While among Slovakian and Tiszavasvari Romani the dominant haplogroup is H1a, among Tokaj Romani is Haplogroup J2a (2. Taktahark. Haplogroup I- P2. H is not found at frequencies of over 3 percent among host populations, while haplogroups E and I are absent in South Asia.

The lineages E- V1. I- P3. 7 (I2a) and R- M1.

R1a) may represent gene flow from the host populations, excluding the Z9. R1a, which is most frequent among Romani. Bulgarian, Romanian and Greek Romani are dominated by Haplogroup H- M8. H1a. 1), while among Spanish Romani J2 is prevalent. Their subsequent westward migration, possibly in waves, is now believed to have occurred beginning in about AD 5. As these soldiers were defeated, they were moved west with their families into the Byzantine Empire. This is lended further credence by the fact that it also shares the exact same pattern of northwestern languages such as Kashmiri and Shina through the adoption of oblique enclitic pronouns as person markers.

The overall morphology suggests that Romani participated in some of the significant developments leading toward the emergence of New Indo- Aryan languages, thus indicating that the proto- Romani didn't leave the Indian subcontinent till late in the second half of the first millenium. In 1. 35. 0 Ludolphus of Sudheim mentioned a similar people with a unique language whom he called Mandapolos, a word some think derives from the Greek word mantes (meaning prophet or fortune teller). The two currents met in France. Early Modern history. Although 1. 38. 5 marks the first recorded transaction for a Romani slave in Wallachia, they were issued safe conduct by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund in 1. Catherine the Great of Russia declared the Romanies . In the Great Gypsy Round- up, Romani were arrested and imprisoned by the Spanish Monarchy in 1.

Although some Romani could be kept as slaves in Wallachia and Moldavia until abolition in 1. Romanies flag. Elsewhere in Europe, they were subject to ethnic cleansing, abduction of their children, and forced labor. In England, Romani were sometimes expelled from small communities or hanged; in France, they were branded and their heads were shaved; in Moravia and Bohemia, the women were marked by their ears being severed. As a result, large groups of the Romani moved to the East, toward Poland, which was more tolerant, and Russia, where the Romani were treated more fairly as long as they paid the annual taxes. Larger- scale Roma emigration to the United States began in the 1.

Romanichal from Great Britain. The largest number immigrated in the early 1. Vlax group of Kalderash. Many Romani also settled in South America. Sinti and other Romani about to be deported from Germany, May 2.

World War II. In the Independent State of Croatia, the separatist Ustasa organization physically killed around 2. Roma, almost the entire Roma population.

The concentration camp system of Jasenovac, run by the Ustasa militia and the Croat political police, were responsible for the deaths of between 1. Roma. This policy was implemented with large financial incentives, threats of denying future welfare payments, with misinformation, or after administering drugs. An official inquiry from the Czech Republic, resulting in a report (December 2. Communist authorities had practiced an assimilation policy towards Romanis, which . The problem of sexual sterilisation carried out in the Czech Republic, either with improper motivation or illegally, exists. Germany, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland . Virginity is essential in unmarried women.

Both men and women often marry young; there has been controversy in several countries over the Romani practice of child marriage. Romani law establishes that the man's family must pay a bride price to the bride's parents, but only traditional families still follow this rule.

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